
Tips for Keeping Pests Away from Your Mini Skip Bins

Pests can be a major problem for your business. Not only are they unsightly and potentially dangerous, but they can also cause damage to your property.

Keeping pests away from your mini skip bins is an important part of maintaining a clean and safe workplace. Here are some tips for keeping pests away from your mini skip bins:

  • Clean up regularly.

Keeping your site clean will help to limit the number of pests around your mini skip bins. Cleaning up after yourself helps to keep pests away and prevents them from finding their way into your bin.

  • Keep your property clean and tidy.

If people can see a mess from the street, they will assume that the company that owns the property is also messy and disorganised. This is why it’s important to keep your property clean and tidy at all times. It would be best to regularly sweep leaves and other debris from your driveway, lawn, terrace or balcony so that there aren’t any piles of trash lying around when customers come by.

  • Ensure that your mini skip bins have lids on them at all times when not in use.

If there is no lid on top of the bin, there is nothing stopping any type of animal from getting inside it and making a nest inside it. This will prevent the smell from coming out of the bin throughout the day, which can be very strong at times if food has been left inside it previously or if an animal was living inside it already before you got rid of it with your new mini skip bin.

  • Place the skip bin strategically.

The best way to prevent pests from getting into your skip bins is by placing them in an enclosed area with no holes or gaps that could allow pests to enter. You can also place your skip bins in a location where there is no food source for them – if there are no food scraps or other things for them to eat, they will have no reason to be attracted to your bin.

  • Keep food waste away from the skip bin.

Food waste is the biggest cause of the odour and flies infestations. It attracts flies and other pests, causing a nuisance for neighbours and attracting vermin like rats and cockroaches.

Food waste can also attract vermin, such as rats and cockroaches, which are a nuisance to neighbours.

If you’re using a skip bin in Frankston, be sure to keep food waste away from your skip bin. This will help avoid any unwanted pests from getting into your rubbish.

What to look for in a skip bin hire company?

Skip hires are a great way to get rid of unwanted waste items. However, there are many factors to consider when choosing a skip bin hire company.

Skip bin hire companies to have skips in all shapes and sizes, but how do you know which one is right for you? It’s important to do your research before hiring a skip bin, as they can cost hundreds of dollars. Here are some things to consider when choosing a skip bin hire company:

Reputation: If you’re using a company that has been around for years, then it’s more likely that it’ll be reliable and trustworthy. You can look online to see what other people have said about them or ask friends if they have used the service before

Safety: It’s usually safer to go with a larger company as they will have more safety measures in place than smaller companies might

Price: The price of hiring a skip bin depends on the size of the bin and what you’re planning on putting in it. You can usually find out exactly how much it will cost by looking on their website or calling them.

Why choose Melbourne Skip Bin hire?

At Melbourne Skip bin hire, we are a locally owned and operated company that is committed to providing our customers with a professional and reliable service. Our skip bins are available in different sizes to suit your needs, whether it’s a small renovation project or a large construction project.

Our friendly staff will make sure that you find the right container size for your project so that you get the best value for money when hiring a skip bin from Melbourne Skip Bin Hire!


There are plenty of ways to keep pests away from your mini skip bins and all the inside items. Preventing pests from getting into bins will not just save you time, money, and hassle but will also prevent the spread of pests and the diseases they carry around. It’s important you follow as many of these tips as possible to help you keep your space clean and tidy.